Lettres d'informations > Lettre n°3


  grey   9th EDITION (2013) grey June 10/12th, 2013   grey  
Abstract submission before April, 7thNanoBioEurope2013



9 days left!!

June, 10/12th 2013



To download the abstract template and submit click HERE
Submission deadline: April, 7th 2013


1. Single molecule technology
Prof. Tom Perkins
Colorado University, USA
In progress...
Dr. Jonas Tegenfeldt
Lund University, Sweden
DNA mapping in nanochannels
2. Sensing based nanotechnology
Prof. Guy Voirin
CSEM, Switzerland
Nanomechanical sensors for use in environmental control, security and diagnostics
Prof. Alain Brisson
CBMN, France
Circulating Microvesicles : a new class of disease biomarkers ?
Prof. Anja Boisen
DTU Nanotech, Denmark
Nanomechanical sensors for use in environmental control, security and diagnostics
3. Imaging based nanotechnology
Prof. Tomazo Zambelli
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
FluidFM: combining AFM and microfluidics for single-cell manipulation
Dr. Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet
CBS, France
New developments in BIo AFM Imaging
4. Nano-objects & nanomaterial for life sciences
Prof. Dr. Martin Bastmeyer
KIT, Danemark
Bio-functionalized 3D-scaffolds for cell studies
Prof. Sebastien Lecommandoux
LCPO, France
Biomimetic synthetic glycoprotein-like copolymer nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery
5. Nano-enabled drug delivery
Dr. Gilles Divita
CRBM, France
Peptide-based nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery
Prof. Jean-Christophe Leroux
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Nanocarriers in medicine : challenges, dogmas and new horizons
Dr. Samir El Andaloussi
Karolinska Instutet, Sweden
Biological nanovesicles (exosomes) for macromolecular drug delivery
6. Nanotechnology for cell characterisation & tissue engineering
Prof. Dr. Lino Ferreira
CNCB, Portugal
Nanomaterials to modulate (stem) cell activity
Prof. Dr. Xavier Trepat
Forces, waves, and multiscale dynamics in living tissues
7. Nano-Oncology & Nanomedicine
Dr. Paul Galvin
Tyndall, Ireland
Nano-enabled personalised medicine
8. Nanotoxicity
Prof. Dr. Rafi Korenstein
Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Current challenges of nanotoxicology
Dr. Fronçois Rossi
JRC Ispra, Italy
In progress...
9. Bioanalytics


Midi-Pyrénées Regional council, a very prestigious place, will welcome NBE for this next edition...Time to focus one of our main partner...

Région Midi-PyréénesSource of personal development, citizenship, economic performance and territories emergence: knowledge is at the crossroads of vital issues, both for individuals and for society at large. Today, higher education, research and technology transfer are the subject of a global competition. Emerging countries, in Asia to start with, are investing heavily in this field. To face this race to excellence, the European Union has made of a “smart growth” the priority of its “Europe 2020” strategy.

In Midi-Pyrénées, we have assets, both with training and research facilities and at the industrial level. Our region multiplies initiatives to develop this potential, including the adoption of a regional scheme of higher education and research. A unique initiative in France by its ambition and its unifying dimension.

To embody this goal, every university has agreed to develop a local contract that includes shared objectives and mobilized resources to ensure students success and high-quality lessons and research. Another initiative: the establishment of a regional innovation strategy able to bring together all stakeholders in this field. Objective: to spread the culture of innovation and to promote Midi-Pyrénées as one of the most advanced Regions of Europe. Today, it is more necessary than ever to make our universities, our laboratories and our businesses well-known. It is the path on which we have chosen work on. The massive national investments called "French stimulus initiative" will also contribute to do so. Ultimately, our goal is to build a federative university for Toulouse and Midi-Pyrénées, a university recognized at the national and international level.

Martin Malvy
Midi-Pyrenees President

point According to its main objectives, NBE is going to grant industrial visibility through flash talks, stands, datings with interested researchers...

3 different levels of partner opportunities can be allowed. From the gold one which is unique to the bronze which is more linked to an industrial stand and an opportunity to join a page in the abstract book. But a partnership is built by discussion. Until we are able to know how each partner can bring its mastership, its own identity and how can we help you to succeed in it. For exemple a sponsor can promote and help the best student presentations, both oral one or poster…


  • to schedule Abstract submission deadline :
    April, 7th, 2013
  • Partners package available until:
    May, 1st, 2013
  • Early rate registration deadline:
    May, 12th, 2013
point NBE 2013 THANKS TO...

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CNRS Région Midi-Pyréénes

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